Wynn-BUD Business Improvement District (BID)

A design component of the Wynn-BUD Initiative

Area businesses, the City and County, and The Wynn Hospital representatives will move to create the Wynn-BUD Business Improvement District (BID). The group would oversee the redevelopment and marketing of the Wynn Hospital Neighborhood.

As The Wynn Hospital moves towards completion and opening, this new BID will see that all the named inititives are developed and implimented to creating a better neighborhood. Charged with overseeing the historical beautification of the neighborhood and working with other downtown neigborhoods.

Wynn-BUD Business Improvement District will have a working board comprise of city and county representives, property owners in and around The Wynn ospital, which will build upon Utica's history of; canals, boiler-making industry, German culture, and city healthcare initiatives. They'll oversee redevelopment of neighborhood and key projects of the Wynn-BUD Initiative...

Utica Boiler-Maker Heritage Center
Eire Canal Inn
Utica German Heritage Center
Utica Canal Heritage Center

The above projects would develop along side two parking facilities...

Wynn West Parking Ramp
Wynn North Parking Ramp

This new BID will promote Utica's newest neighborhood, oversee infill at the open lots, interact with The Wynn Hospital to improve the experience of paitents and guests, and form a "neighborhood watch group" with the hospital's security team.

Return to Better Hospital, Better Downtown page.

We want to work with new hospital, first step, do not bulldoze more of Downtown Utica's Historic Columbia-Lafayette Neighborhood! Help inact the Wynn-BUD Initiative.

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