Oneida County Residents! Your legislators have voted to have you foot the bill for 60% of a downtown Utica hospital parking garage. A garage to be GIVEN away to the nonprofit hospital that will not pay taxes.

Currently the hospital owns 64-acres at their St. Luke's Campus with ample parking at no cost to taxpayers.

A downtown parking garage would be on your property taxes for 30 years, to add to the financial pain you will also pay to park in it! County residents outside of Utica are lucky, as those in Utica would pay 100%; 40% in city and 60% on their county taxes!

You can change this outcome, just attend a meeting - no voting, speaking or protesting, just show-up and have a seat:

Monday, August 28, 2017 at 4:20PM
At the Utica City Hall

Join us, just one hour long, and help save yourself big money over the next 30 years! You can Join the discussion on Facebook

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